Question: Units and dsolve



I have an issue calculating an electronics circuit with Maple, using units. I have a current source that I know, and I want to determin the voltage in a capacitor by solving an ODE (except that the current source is defined piecewise). And to make sure I have all the units and scales right, I use the standard unit package. All my variables have their units defined.

Except that Maple doesn't want to solve the equation. It seems to me that it assumes that the function I am trying to solve is unitless, and therefore refuses to solve. 

V__out := 3*Unit('kV');

C__out := 2*Unit('nF');
R__blead := 520*Unit('`kΩ`');

I__fly := proc (t) options operator, arrow; Unit('A')*piecewise(t < 3.25*Unit('us'), (1+(-1)*t/(3.25*Unit('us')))*.2, 0) end proc;


dsolve({I__fly(t*Unit('s'))-V__C(t*Unit('s'))/R__blead = C__out*(diff(V__C(t*Unit('s')), t)), V__C(0*Unit('s')) = V__out}, V__C(t*Unit('s')));
Error, (in Units:-Standard:-+) the units `A` and `S` have incompatible dimensions


Is there a way to make Maple assume the unit of what it's trying to solve ? I need it to understands that V__C is in Unit('V') ...




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