Question: Parametric Plot: 'incorrect fitst argument'



I am trying to plot the above curve:


restart; with(plots)

> f0 := proc (t) options operator, arrow; t, (-1)*3.9*t*(t-1) end proc; 

> IFS := proc (i, x, y) if i = 1 then return (1/2)*y, (1/2)*x end if; if i = 2 then return (1/2)*x, (1/2)*y+1/2 end if; if i = 3 then return (1/2)*x+1/2, (1/2)*y+1/2 end if; if i = 4 then return -(1/2)*y+1, -(1/2)*x+1/2 end if end proc; 

> g := proc (t) local j; for j to 4 do if evalf((1/4)*j-1/4) <= evalf(t) and evalf(t) <= evalf((1/4)*j) then return IFS(j, f0(4*t-j+1)); break end if end do end proc; 


Thus, the instruction  parametricplot(['g'(t),t=0..1]) return the message  

Error, (in plot) incorrect first argument [g(t), t = 0 .. 1]

Some idea or hit to plot this?


Thank you for your time


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