Question: How to tweak physics notation?



I'm new to the physics package - wondering if i can tweak it a bit to look like things i'm used to:


is there a way to make Christoffel symbols print as upper case gamma, instead of  'G'?

KroneckerDelta print as lower case delta, instead of 'd'?


can i make the Schwarzschild metric look like it does in Hartle, Carroll, and others:


-(1 - 2M/r)dt^2 + (1-2M/r)^-1 + r^2(dtheta^2 + sin(theta)^2 dphi^2)


i know about setting the signature in Setup.

i have tried the 'Coordinates' command, but when i give it X=[t,r,theta,phi] i always seem to get back



i am running maple 2016


many thanks,



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