Hello everybody, I'm an engineer student and I'm having quite some troubles with Maple. See my teacher told us to program a homework using Maple, problem is I've never used Maple in my life and it's not that hard, but I'm having some trouble with my homework.


My homework is about a 4-bar mechanism (grashof's condition) which will define the type of movement my mechanism will have depending on the data I input:

we define 4 variables expressed lenght measurments:

L= (largest link in the mechanism) 
S= (smallest link in the mechanism)

P and Q= other 2 links in the 4 bar mechanism


L0: the link of the mechanism which is FIXED (frame)

L1: the link of the mechanism which is moves (driver)

L2: coupler link

L3: follower link

4 bar mechanism

here 1 will be the fram, 2 the driver, 3 the coupler and 4 the follower

grashofs condition consist on the following:

1. IF L + S < P + Q

and S is the frame, then the program should print that the mechanism presents a rotatory-rotatory movement

or L+S < P+Q and the FRAME is the opposite link of the shortest link, then the program should print that the mechanism presents oscilatory-oscilatory movement

or L+S<P+Q and S is the driver and the frame is adyacent to the driver, then the program should print that the mechanism presents two rotatory movement.

2. IF   L + S > P + Q

the program should print that the mechanism doesn't follow grashof condition and the movement is roker-rocker (doesnt matter what link is the driver and what link is the frame)

3. IF L+S=P+Q

the program should print that the mechanism doesn't follow grashof condition and the mechanism will have deadpoints.

I'm sorry, im a mechanical engineer student and I have very few experience programming (I only learned python like 2 years ago) and I'm having trouble with maple's language (which i know is very simple)

If someone could help me or guide me I would really appreciate it

Thanks alot 

PD. excuse my english


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