Question: How to update legend in display sequence of plots?

I'm displaying a series of point plots as an animation, and would like to update a displayed parameter as well.  I have a nested list L[t] where there's a set of points for each t, and for each t there's also a numerical value M that I'd like to display.  (In my real problem, L[t] is the number of particles in each of several states, and M is the rms deviation from am algebraic probability distribution.)  

The closest I've gotten (for a simple L and M) is the following, but it displays all of the M values in the legend at once:

with(plots); with(Statistics);

L := [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]];

M := [1, 2];

display([seq(PointPlot(L[t], legend = M[t]), t = 1 .. 2)], insequence = true)


I don't need this to be in the legend.  Is there a way to display only the current value of M for each t?  Thanks very much.

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