Question: Code attachments, maple workbook

I cant understend how to use new Maple workbook, and i cant load it on a site so i will use screenshoots to explain. I whant to add my costume functions to code attachments and exceuted them in multitipe workshellds, but i dont know how to excecude them from ther + i cant understend how varibles sistem work. For excemple i go main document ex1, in it i save z as global varible for all worksheed, when i excecute it works alright in other workdoxument c2 but when i change it in main document it didnt change in others, but in saved varibles in ex1 saved new value of z , and in all others z is left same as it was. In such whay i can save function f2 wich is declorated in workdocument c2 as varible, it will exceute in main ex1 but any changes of f2 in c2 wudent be applied in ex2, if i declorated and excecude f1 in c1 code attachment it dont even generate in varibles tables + i dont see any whay to excecute it from ex1, so here the qestion how to excecute functions saved in code attachments in other book's wordsheets and how make saved varibles usable in all book?

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