Question: How to prove a quadratic expression is positive

Hi everybody,


Here is a very simple question :
I have two strictly positive reals r and s and the expression
a := r^2 – r*s + s^2
Obviously a is strictly positive too

But I’m not capable to prove this with Maple (2016, Windows 7), even after having declared r and s both positive which, I thought, would have prevent Maple to consider them as potentially complex.
I failed in using "is", "coulditbe", "use RealDomain ..." and so on

Totally distressed I tried to do something simpler ... which ultimately appeared still more upsetting

assume(r, ‘positive’):
coulditbe(r, ‘complex’) ;    # the answer is (surprising ?) true

I'm probably doing some mistake bigger than I but I don't find it !

Could you be compassionate enough to enlight me !!!

Mammoth thanks in advance

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