Question: How to increase the precision of numerical integration?

I want to calculate the following integral numerically with required precision.

First, the functions are defined:

f:= (x) -> 0.9/abs(x-0.4)^(1/3)+0.1/abs(x-0.6)^(1/2);
U1 := unapply(-exp(-x)*(evalf(Int(f(t)*exp(t), t = 0 .. x))+G1)/2-exp(x)*(evalf(Int(f(t)*exp(-t), t = 0 .. x))+G1)/2, x);
U:= unapply(-exp(x)/2*(evalf(Int(f(t)*exp(-t),t=0..x))+G1)+exp(-x)/2*(evalf(Int(f(t)*exp(t),t=0..x))+G1), x);

Next, I calculate the integral in numerical form:

evalf(Int(U1(x)^2+U(x)^2-2*f(x)*U(x), x=0..1, digits=4, method = _Gquad));

If I specify digits=4, Maple return the answer -0.4291

If I use digits=5 or larger, Maple return someting like this

Is it possible to increase precision of calculation?



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