Question: New to Maple. Trying to sovle 3rd order PDE system numerically

Hi I am new to Maple. I have 2 question:

1)I tried to run the following but I get this error as shown.pde1 is the PDE system. IBC, or you can refer bc1 to bc5 are the boundary condition given.

2)My bc4 & bc5 is suppose to be approaching 0 when y approch infinity  which is why I just put y to be equal to a large value while bc4 and bc5 equal 0. Do Maple have a function to use the approach method?


restart; with(PDEtools):

pde1 := [(x*y+1)*(diff(f(x, y), y, y, y))+(x+f(x, y))*(diff(f(x, y), y, y))-(diff(f(x, y), y))^2+g(x, y) = 0, (x*y+1)*(diff(g(x, y), y, y))+(x+f(x, y))*(diff(g(x, y), y))-(diff(f(x, y), y))*g(x, y) = 0];

IBC := [eval(f(x, y), y = 0) = 0, eval((D[2](f))(x, y), y = 0) = 0, eval(g(x, y), y = 0) = 0, eval((D[2](f))(x, y), y = 10000000000) = 0, eval(g(x, y), y = 10000000000) = 0];

bc1 := eval(f(x, y), y = 0) = 0

bc2 := eval((D[2](f))(x, y), y = 0) = 0

bc3 := eval(g(x, y), y = 0) = 0

bc4 := eval((D[2](f))(x, y), y = 10^10) = 0

bc5 := eval(g(x, y), y = 10^10) = 0

sol1 := pdsolve(pde1, [IBC], numeric, [f(x, y), g(x, y)], 'spacestep' = 0.1e-2, 'indepvars' = [x, y])

Error, (in pdsolve/numeric/process_IBCs) invalid initial/boundary condition: [f(x, 0) = 0, (D[2](f))(x, 0) = 0, g(x, 0) = 0, (D[2](f))(x, 1000000000000) = 0, g(x, 1000000000000) = 0]

Thanks you in advance.

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