Question: how to buildsym in this case?

with(DEtools, buildsym, equinv, symtest):
ans := dsolve([eq2,eq3,eq4], Lie);
Error, (in dsolve) too many arguments; some or all of the following are wrong: [{a(t), b(t), c(t)}, Lie]
ans := dsolve([eq2+eq3+eq4 = exp(t)], Lie);
Error, (in PDEtools/sdsolve) too many arguments; some or all of the following are wrong: [{a(t), b(t), c(t)}, Lie]
ans := dsolve([eq2,eq3,eq4]);
sym2 := buildsym(ans);
Error, (in buildsym) invalid input: `ODEtools/buildsym` expects its 1st argument, sol, to be of type {algebraic, algebraic = algebraic}, but received [{c(t) = ...}, {b(t) = ...}, {a(t) = ...)}]
PDEtools[declare](a(t), b(t), c(t), prime = t):
                       a(t) will now be displayed as a
                       b(t) will now be displayed as b
                       c(t) will now be displayed as c
   derivatives with respect to t of functions of one variable will now be
      displayed with 'symgen(....)'
if it can not do for 3 function a(t),b(t),c(t) system of differential equations
i change to use
eq2 := subs(b(t)=a(t),subs(c(t)=a(t),eq2));
eq3 := subs(b(t)=a(t),subs(c(t)=a(t),eq3));
eq4 := subs(b(t)=a(t),subs(c(t)=a(t),eq4));
with(DEtools, buildsym, equinv, symtest):
ans := dsolve(eq2 = 0, Lie);
buildsym(ans[1], a(t));
buildsym(ans[2], a(t));
buildsym(ans[3], a(t));
there are 3 answers, can i use one of it to recover the equation eq2 or  eq3 or eq4?
ans := dsolve(eq3=0, Lie);
buildsym(ans[1], a(t));
sym2 := buildsym(ans[2], a(t));
buildsym(ans[3], a(t));

sym := [_xi=rhs(sym2[2]),_eta=rhs(sym2[1])];
ODE := equinv(sym, a(t));
eq3 - ODE;
sym := [_xi=rhs(sym2[1]),_eta=rhs(sym2[2])];
ODE := equinv(sym, a(t));
eq3 - ODE;
but ODE is not equal to original eq3
ans := dsolve(eq4=0, Lie);
buildsym(ans[1], a(t));
buildsym(ans[2], a(t));
ans := dsolve(eq2+eq3+eq4=0, Lie);
sym := buildsym(ans[1], a(t));
ODE := equinv(sym, a(t));
eq2+eq3+eq4 - ODE;
sym := buildsym(ans[2], a(t));
ODE := equinv(sym, a(t));
eq2+eq3+eq4 - ODE;
sym := buildsym(ans[3], a(t));
ODE := equinv(sym, a(t));
simplify(eq2+eq3+eq4 - - ODE);
can not recover the original result
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