Question: "unable to store %1 when datatype=%2", -9.65986559999997*10^(-7)+4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g))(1), float[8] i can remove this error?


restart; Digits := 15



sys3 := {-.233333333333333*(diff(g5(y), y, y))+0.5e-1*g3(y)-.820000000000000*g5(y)*omega2-0.150000000000000e-1*g4(y)*omega2+0.500000000000000e-4*(diff(g1(y), y))*omega2-0.999999999999999e-4*(diff(g2(y), y))*omega2-1.44142830009497*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y, y))+864.856980056984*(diff(g5(y), y, y, y, y)), 2.61572184429325*10^(-10)*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y, y, y, y))+3.32396399331216*10^(-7)*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))-0.193818732289211e-2*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y))+0.199166451610413e-1*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y, y))+0.598690451303844e-1*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y, y))-5.40849801271536*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y))-5.40846938859685*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y))-.101409302553410*(diff(g3(y), y, y))+0.240924444444445e-5*(diff(g4(y), y, y, y, y)), -.233333333333333*(diff(g4(y), y, y))-0.5e-1*g3(y)-.820000000000000*g4(y)*omega2-0.150000000000000e-1*g5(y)*omega2+0.999999999999999e-4*(diff(g1(y), y))*omega2-0.500000000000000e-4*(diff(g2(y), y))*omega2-0.225354497440541e-3*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))-76.1509512630580*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y, y))-11.7785283950617*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y, y))+1874.44512820514*(diff(g4(y), y, y, y, y))+6.88355555555557*10^(-7)*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y))-8413.23456790121*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y))+8413.23456790121*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y)), 7118.49071746442*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y))+0.266666666666666e-2*(diff(g3(y), y))-93.3333333333333*g2(y)+93.3333333333333*g1(y)+.820000000000000*g2(y)*omega2-0.999999999999999e-4*(diff(g5(y), y))*omega2+1.66666666666666*10^(-7)*(diff(g1(y), y, y))*omega2-0.500000000000000e-4*(diff(g4(y), y))*omega2-3.33333333333333*10^(-7)*(diff(g2(y), y, y))*omega2+0.150000000000000e-1*g1(y)*omega2+980.282047736626*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y))+0.987816663816580e-2*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y))-2.84647769547324*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))-1.77181281840245*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))+5.40846577473014*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y))+5.07598485596708*10^5*(diff(g1(y), y, y))-5.07598485596708*10^5*(diff(g2(y), y, y))-16826.4691358025*(diff(g4(y), y, y, y))-0.210330864197531e-4*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y, y, y)), 1.66666666666666*10^(-7)*(diff(g2(y), y, y))*omega2+0.500000000000000e-4*(diff(g5(y), y))*omega2-3.33333333333333*10^(-7)*(diff(g1(y), y, y))*omega2+0.999999999999999e-4*(diff(g4(y), y))*omega2+0.150000000000000e-1*g2(y)*omega2+.820000000000000*g1(y)*omega2-5.53911151967922*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))-2.55201448559671*10^5*(diff(g4(y), y, y, y))-0.355523547493069e-4*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y, y, y))+0.266666666666666e-2*(diff(g3(y), y))-4.05637062704760*(diff(g3(y), y, y))-11.4677117829418*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y))-0.338031746031747e-2*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y))-0.890132662315342e-2*(diff(g3(y), y, y, y, y, y))-378.595555555555*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y))-482.358781893005*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y))-2.84647769547324*(diff(g2(y), y, y, y, y, y, y))-93.3333333333333*g1(y)-4.35805550617285*10^5*(diff(g1(y), y, y))-378.595555555555*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y))+45299.9927158183*(diff(g1(y), y, y, y, y))+93.3333333333333*g2(y)+5.07598485596708*10^5*(diff(g2(y), y, y))}:

bcs3 := {-0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@3)(g2))(0)+7.00534153846156*((D@@2)(g5))(0) = 0, -0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@3)(g2))(1)+7.00534153846156*((D@@2)(g5))(1) = 0, -0.2100e-1*(D(g5))(0)+0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@5)(g2))(0)-7.00534153846156*((D@@4)(g5))(0) = 0, -0.2100e-1*(D(g5))(1)+0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@5)(g2))(1)-7.00534153846156*((D@@4)(g5))(1) = 0, 1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@4)(g3))(0)+2.93357776746121*10^(-11)*((D@@2)(g3))(0)+0.912685714285722e-5*(D(g1))(0)-0.912685714285712e-5*(D(g2))(0)-5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@2)(g4))(0)+8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@3)(g1))(0)+4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@3)(g2))(0) = 0, 1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@4)(g3))(1)+2.93357776746121*10^(-11)*((D@@2)(g3))(1)+0.912685714285722e-5*(D(g1))(1)-0.912685714285712e-5*(D(g2))(1)-5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@2)(g4))(1)+8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@3)(g1))(1)+4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@3)(g2))(1) = 0, -1.64283428634155*10^(-7)*((D@@4)(g3))(0)-.133295923200000*((D@@3)(g1))(0)-0.286218240000000e-1*((D@@3)(g2))(0)+15.1830055384616*((D@@2)(g4))(0)+5.57568000000000*10^(-9)*((D@@2)(g3))(0)-227.157333333333*(D(g2))(0)+227.157333333333*(D(g1))(0) = 0, -1.64283428634155*10^(-7)*((D@@4)(g3))(1)-.133295923200000*((D@@3)(g1))(1)-0.286218240000000e-1*((D@@3)(g2))(1)+15.1830055384616*((D@@2)(g4))(1)+5.57568000000000*10^(-9)*((D@@2)(g3))(1)-227.157333333333*(D(g2))(1)+227.157333333333*(D(g1))(1) = 0, -1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@5)(g3))(0)-2.12981181756245*10^(-10)*((D@@3)(g3))(0)+0.813595871901550e-5*(D(g3))(0)-0.393365900022856e-4*((D@@2)(g1))(0)-0.136355081430858e-3*((D@@2)(g2))(0)+5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@3)(g4))(0)-8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g1))(0)-4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g2))(0) = 0, -1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@5)(g3))(1)-2.12981181756245*10^(-10)*((D@@3)(g3))(1)+0.813595871901550e-5*(D(g3))(1)-0.393365900022856e-4*((D@@2)(g1))(1)-0.136355081430858e-3*((D@@2)(g2))(1)+5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@3)(g4))(1)-8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g1))(1)-4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g2))(1) = 0, -0.2100e-1*(D(g4))(0)+1.64283428634155*10^(-7)*((D@@6)(g3))(0)+.185046811569231*((D@@5)(g1))(0)+0.286218240000000e-1*((D@@5)(g2))(0)-15.1830055384616*((D@@4)(g4))(0)-5.57568000000000*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g3))(0)+227.157333333333*((D@@3)(g2))(0)-227.157333333333*((D@@3)(g1))(0) = 0, -0.2100e-1*(D(g4))(1)+1.64283428634155*10^(-7)*((D@@6)(g3))(1)+.185046811569231*((D@@5)(g1))(1)+0.286218240000000e-1*((D@@5)(g2))(1)-15.1830055384616*((D@@4)(g4))(1)-5.57568000000000*10^(-9)*((D@@4)(g3))(1)+227.157333333333*((D@@3)(g2))(1)-227.157333333333*((D@@3)(g1))(1) = 0, 371.200498864795*((D@@2)(g1))(0)-0.125033665514056e-4*((D@@3)(g3))(0)-0.454911629784616e-2*((D@@4)(g1))(0)-0.207508224000000e-2*((D@@4)(g2))(0)-.90862933333333*((D@@2)(g2))(0)-.219044470756571*(D(g3))(0)+.317542124307693*((D@@3)(g4))(0)-7.77529998367344*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g3))(0) = 0, 371.200498864795*((D@@2)(g1))(1)-0.125033665514056e-4*((D@@3)(g3))(1)-0.454911629784616e-2*((D@@4)(g1))(1)-0.207508224000000e-2*((D@@4)(g2))(1)-.90862933333333*((D@@2)(g2))(1)-.219044470756571*(D(g3))(1)+.317542124307693*((D@@3)(g4))(1)-7.77529998367344*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g3))(1) = 0, -1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@8)(g3))(0)-2.42316975112457*10^(-10)*((D@@6)(g3))(0)+0.156993173154261e-4*((D@@4)(g3))(0)-0.483974477413303e-4*((D@@5)(g1))(0)-0.145481779666834e-3*((D@@5)(g2))(0)+.146029446343315*((D@@3)(g1))(0)+.146028673492115*((D@@3)(g2))(0)+0.912683722980687e-2*((D@@2)(g3))(0)-1.95148800000000*10^(-8)*((D@@4)(g4))(0) = 0, -1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@8)(g3))(1)-2.42316975112457*10^(-10)*((D@@6)(g3))(1)+0.156993173154261e-4*((D@@4)(g3))(1)-0.483974477413303e-4*((D@@5)(g1))(1)-0.145481779666834e-3*((D@@5)(g2))(1)+.146029446343315*((D@@3)(g1))(1)+.146028673492115*((D@@3)(g2))(1)+0.912683722980687e-2*((D@@2)(g3))(1)-1.95148800000000*10^(-8)*((D@@4)(g4))(1) = 0, 54.7703335314617*((D@@2)(g2))(0)+5.87769600000000*((D@@2)(g1))(0)+0.148770877878858e-4*((D@@3)(g3))(0)-0.207508224000000e-2*((D@@4)(g1))(0)-0.129031719384616e-2*((D@@4)(g2))(0)+.146028885677714*(D(g3))(0)+.143109120000000*((D@@3)(g4))(0)+0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@3)(g5))(0)-4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g3))(0) = 0, 54.7703335314617*((D@@2)(g2))(1)+5.87769600000000*((D@@2)(g1))(1)+0.148770877878858e-4*((D@@3)(g3))(1)-0.207508224000000e-2*((D@@4)(g1))(1)-0.129031719384616e-2*((D@@4)(g2))(1)+.146028885677714*(D(g3))(1)+.143109120000000*((D@@3)(g4))(1)+0.350267076923078e-2*((D@@3)(g5))(1)-4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g3))(1) = 0, 1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@6)(g3))(0)+2.42316975112457*10^(-10)*((D@@4)(g3))(0)-0.715265022412607e-5*((D@@2)(g3))(0)+0.483974477413303e-4*((D@@3)(g1))(0)+0.145481779666834e-3*((D@@3)(g2))(0)-3.28345600000000*10^(-7)*(D(g1))(0)+3.28345600000000*10^(-7)*(D(g2))(0)+2.11875840000000*10^(-8)*((D@@2)(g4))(0)-5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@4)(g4))(0)+8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g1))(0)+4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g2))(0) = 0, 1.71617510204081*10^(-14)*((D@@6)(g3))(1)+2.42316975112457*10^(-10)*((D@@4)(g3))(1)-0.715265022412607e-5*((D@@2)(g3))(1)+0.483974477413303e-4*((D@@3)(g1))(1)+0.145481779666834e-3*((D@@3)(g2))(1)-3.28345600000000*10^(-7)*(D(g1))(1)+3.28345600000000*10^(-7)*(D(g2))(1)+2.11875840000000*10^(-8)*((D@@2)(g4))(1)-5.09278628571429*10^(-7)*((D@@4)(g4))(1)+8.04988799999997*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g1))(1)+4.59993600000001*10^(-9)*((D@@5)(g))(1) = 0, g1(0) = 0, g1(1) = 0, g2(0) = 0, g2(1) = 0, ((D@@2)(g1))(0) = 0, ((D@@2)(g1))(1) = 0, ((D@@2)(g2))(0) = 0, ((D@@2)(g2))(1) = 0}:

dsys4 := {bcs3, sys3}:

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