Question: Eigenvalues. Mechanical problem

I solve a mechanical exercise but i had a problem.

I know M (mass) and K (stifness) matrices (4x4).

I want to solve the (λ2M+K)v=0  eigenvalue problem, where λ are the eigenvalues and v eigenvectors.

How can i solve this problem.  I tried with the Eigenvectors() command but it didn't give the right solution.

The Eigenvalues are okay, but the eigenvectors not

K := Matrix([[4*10^7,-1.50*10^7,2*10^7,0],[-1.50*10^7,1.50*10^7,0,1.50*10^7],[2*10^7,0,8*10^7,2*10^7],[0,1.50*10^7,2*10^7,4*10^7]]);



Acoording with the book the right eigenvectors(shape mode) are:

[0.013 991,  0.034 233,  0.073 683,  0.090 573]
[0.035 637, 0, -0.032 213, 0]
[0 ,-0.034 233, 0, 0.090 573]
[-0.013 991, 0.034 233, -0.073 683, 0.090 573]

Thank you

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