Question: solve z^(1+I)=1

solve(z^(1+I) = 1, z, allsolutions = true);
                      exp((1 + I) Pi _Z1)

Since this is a single-valued power function, there is only a finite number of solutions. evalc correctly gives exp(-2*Pi) for _Z1=-1.

evalf doesn't help here regardless of the level of precision, I think because it always generates a non-zero imaginary part for exp(-(1+I)*Pi):

seq(print(evalf(evalf[d]((exp((-1-I)*Pi))^(1+I)))), d = 10 .. 3010, 300);
              0.001867442732 - 1.361179007 10    I
             0.001867442732 - 1.674479874 10     I
               1.000000000 + 2.386571217 10     I
               1.000000000 + 8.502509375 10     I
             0.001867442732 - 1.646483173 10      I
             0.001867442732 - 4.556560265 10      I
             0.001867442732 - 1.287611101 10      I
             0.001867442732 - 1.072784224 10      I
              1.000000000 + 8.162729354 10      I
             0.001867442732 - 7.375390371 10      I
              1.000000000 + 1.988371005 10      I

Unrelated, but it would be nice to have a simple way to display lists/matrices with specified width and alignment.


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