Question: Can Maple write out the first n terms of a summation?


Suppose I am given the following summation:


sum(a*i, i = 1 .. n)


Can Maple write the first few terms of the summation? For example, if I want to see first three terms of the summation, I'd like Maple to output the following:


a + 2 a + 3 a


My use case is that if I am given a complicated summation, it can be useful to look at the first few terms to see if there are any patterns.


The things I've tried are:


sum(a*i, i = 1 .. 3)



'sum(a*i, i = 1 .. 3)'

sum(a*i, i = 1 .. 3)


eval(sum(a*i, i = 1 .. 3))



expand(sum(a*i, i = 1 .. 3))






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