Question: snaptoticks property of component

Hi, I've been doing a few small explore plots where the ranges for the parameters are something like [-1,1], but 0 is a special value which will often need to be set.  The slider, gauge components, ... are a bit fiddly to set with exactly zero using a mouse to drag the value.  Thought about a few different ways to do this

* Right click and set value from the component properties option - a bit fiddly for the user and the graph doesn't immediately update when OK'ed.

* Extra control with a tick to set a zero value (fiddly programming and possible confusing interpretation)

* Slider component and snaptoticks=true

Last option seems to be the easiest all round, but I was wondering why it is only the slider component that has a snaptoticks property - none of the other components seem to support it and a gauge would probably be a more natural component to use.

Thanks in advance

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