Question: Solve several inequalities with 1 variable


Realted to this post I am trying to solve the following inequalities in the variable "t"




Cosenos := proc (m, x) local C, x1, x2, y, x0, i, j, j0, k, K0, Kaux, K1, L, R, S, t1, t2, t, r1, r2, d; C := NULL; K0 := NULL; Kaux := NULL; K1 := NULL; L := NULL; R := NULL; S := NULL; d := nops(x); for k to d-1 do if evalf(x[k]) = 1 then j0 := m else j0 := 1+floor(x[k]*m) end if; K0 := K0, [(j0-1)/m, j0/m] end do; K0 := [K0]; S := K0[1][1] <= t, t <= K0[1][2]; for k from 2 to d-1 do S := S, K0[k][1] <= 1/2-(1/2)*cos(Pi*m^(k-1)*t), 1/2-(1/2)*cos(Pi*m^(k-1)*t) <= K0[k][2] end do; K1 := solve({S}, t) end proc


However, this run very very slow....For instance, for Cosenos(50, [.3225, .25877, .325, 1])


we interrupt the opertion after more than 10 minutes...I am doing something wrong?

Many thanks for your comments and suggestions. 




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