Question: Computing the supremum of a function with the aid of maple 2017.

I want to compute the following supremum of the function.

I'll write in Latex code.

I have the following term which I want to estimate:

\delta_1(\epsilon):= \sup_{|x|<100}\sup_{ 0<= t<1/\epsilon} \epsilon \cdot |\int_0^t [ f(x,\cos s , \sin s , p_0(t)+q_0(s))-g(x,t)]ds|

where p_0(t) is an unknown function that depends on t alone.


g(x,t):= \lim_{T\to \infty} 1/T \int_0^T f(x,\cos s , \sin s , p_0(t)+q_0(s))ds

q_0(s):= \exp(-s)(q_0(0)+\int_0^s (h(x_0(0),\cos(r), \sin(r))-p_0(0))dr)

where h(x,y_1,y_2):=y_1^2.

Can someone lend me a hand?



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