Question: Can we plot(3D/2D) solution of Nonlinear Schrodinger equation

Can someone help me to find graph of this type of solutions .

finalsol := exp(I*(-k*x+t*(k^2+2*rho^2-2*sigma^2)+theta))*rho*tanh(-2*k*rho*t+rho*x);

sol1 := eval(finalsol, [rho = .5, theta = .5, sigma = .5, k = .5]);

graph1 := plot3d(sol1, t = -5 .. 5, x = -5 .. 5, numpoints = 300, frames = 50, axes = framed, color = x, thickness = 5, axesfont = ["HELVETICA", "ROMAN", 24], labelfont = ["HELVETICA", "ROMAN", 24]);

ContPlot1 := contourplot(sol1, t = -20 .. 20, x = -20 .. 20, frames = 50, axes = framed, thickness = 5, numpoints = 300, a*xesfont = ["HELVETICA", "ROMAN", 24], labelfont = ["HELVETICA", "ROMAN", 24])


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