Question: Physics Package: Projectors between disjointed/combined spaces


I try to define the action of projectors of two discrete basis onto a general state. This works as expected when I define the projector by myself. However, when using the "Projector" command, I get a not fully simplified result; see below. It seems like there is a confusion with dot/tensor product.  Can somoeone help?




restart; with(Physics)

Setup(hilbertspaces = {{A, alpha}, {B, beta}}, quantumbasisdimension = {A = 1 .. N[a], B = 1 .. N[b]}, quantumdiscretebasis = {A, B, alpha, beta}, bracketrules = {%Bracket(Bra(A, i), Ket(Psi)) = Ket(beta, i), %Bracket(Bra(A, i), Ket(alpha, j)) = C[i, j], %Bracket(Bra(B, i), Ket(Psi)) = Ket(alpha, i), %Bracket(Bra(B, j), Ket(beta, i)) = C[i, j]})

[bracketrules = {%Bracket(%Bra(A, i), %Ket(Psi)) = Physics:-Ket(beta, i), %Bracket(%Bra(A, i), %Ket(alpha, j)) = C[i, j], %Bracket(%Bra(B, i), %Ket(Psi)) = Physics:-Ket(alpha, i), %Bracket(%Bra(B, j), %Ket(beta, i)) = C[i, j]}, disjointedspaces = {{A, alpha}, {B, beta}}, quantumbasisdimension = {A = 1 .. N[a], B = 1 .. N[b]}, quantumdiscretebasis = {A, B, alpha, beta}]



proj := Sum(Sum(Ket(A, i).Bra(A, i).Ket(B, j).Bra(B, j), i = 1 .. N[a]), j = 1 .. N[b])

Sum(Sum(Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(A, i), Physics:-Ket(B, j), Physics:-Bra(A, i), Physics:-Bra(B, j)), i = 1 .. N[a]), j = 1 .. N[b])


proj2 := Projector(Ket(A, i)).Projector(Ket(B, i))

Physics:-`*`(Sum(Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(A, i), Physics:-Bra(A, i)), i = 1 .. N[a]), Sum(Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(B, i), Physics:-Bra(B, i)), i = 1 .. N[b]))



Sum(Sum(C[i, j]*Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(A, i), Physics:-Ket(B, j)), i = 1 .. N[a]), j = 1 .. N[b])




Sum(Sum(Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(A, i__1), Physics:-Bra(A, i__1), Physics:-Ket(alpha, i), Physics:-Ket(B, i)), i = 1 .. N[b]), i__1 = 1 .. N[a])



Sum(Sum(Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(A, i), Physics:-Ket(B, j), Physics:-Bra(A, i), Physics:-Bra(B, j)), i = 1 .. N[a]), j = 1 .. N[b])-Physics:-`*`(Sum(Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(A, i), Physics:-Bra(A, i)), i = 1 .. N[a]), Sum(Physics:-`*`(Physics:-Ket(B, i), Physics:-Bra(B, i)), i = 1 .. N[b]))






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