Question: Plot error (unable to evaluate the function to numeric values)

I have not touched Maple in about 10 years and I'm back but apparently my Maple skills got quite a bit it rusty. I'm trying to plot a function but keep getting this warning and a blank graph:

"Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct"

Here is what I'm trying to do (put and call formulas for Black 76 model):

> with(Statistics);
> X := RandomVariable(Normal(0, 1));
> K := 150;
> r := 0.25e-1;
> s := .75;
> t := .5;
> d1 := f-> (log(f/K)+.5*s^2*t)/(s*sqrt(t)):

> d2 := f-> d1(f)-s*sqrt(t):
> c := f-> exp(-r*t)*(f*([CDF])(X, d1(f))-K*([CDF])(X, d2(f))) :
p := ->exp(-r*t)*(K*([CDF])(X, -d2(f))-f*([CDF])(X, -d1(f))):

All of the above work as intented:
> evalf(c(100)), evalf(p(100));

return the correct values. But I can't plot c( ) or p( ):

plot(c(f), f = 50 .. 100)

"Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct"

What am I doing wrong here? I will appreciate any help.

Thank you.

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