Question: How can I get one option of coordinates of all vertices of this tetrahedron knowing that lenght of sides?

I calculate volume of tetrahedron SABC by this way. Now, I want to find one option  of coordinates of all vertices of this tetrahedron. How can I get the coordinates of the points S, A, B, C so that coordinates  center of circumcircle of the triangle ABC is (0,0,0)?


SA := 3: 
SB := 5: 
SC := 7:
AB := 3:
BC := 4: 
AC := 5:
V := (1/12)*sqrt(SA^2*BC^2*(AB^2+AC^2-BC^2-SA^2+SB^2+SC^2)+SB^2*AC^2*(AB^2-AC^2+BC^2+SA^2-SB^2+SC^2)+SC^2*AB^2*(-AB^2+AC^2+BC^2+SA^2+SB^2-SC^2)-SA^2*AB^2*SB^2-SB^2*BC^2*SC^2-SA^2*AC^2*SC^2-AB^2*BC^2*AC^2);

From here
I find coordinates of the point A, B, C. Now I tried

point(A, -3/2, -2, 0):
point(B, 3/2, -2, 0):
point(C, -3/2, 2, 0):
point(S, x, y, z):
solve([distance(S, A) = 3, distance(S, B) = 5, distance(S, C) = 7], [x, y, z], explicit);
point(A, -3/2, -2, 0):
point(B, 3/2, -2, 0):
point(C, -3/2, 2, 0):
point(S, x, y, z):
solve([distance(S, A) = 5, distance(S, B) = 3, distance(S, C) = 7], [x, y, z], explicit);

Use the above code, I obtain the result.

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