Question: Are these bugs of maple 2019?

Hello people in mapleprimes,
I have a question.

I use maple2019 with mac os 10.14.6.

$ sw_vers
ProductName:	Mac OS X
ProductVersion:	10.14.6
BuildVersion:	18G95

With maple2019, errors appears.

> kernelopts(version);
        Maple 2019.1, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Jun 6 2019, Build ID 1403154

> assume(a>-1,b>0);
> additionally(a<=1);
> about(a);
Originally a, renamed a~:
  is assumed to be: FAIL

> assume(tau<1,tau>0,s<1,s>0):
> a_e1:=tau*s*(1+tau)<tau*s+tau+s-1:
> b_e2:=expand(lhs(a_e1)-rhs(a_e1))<0:
>  b_e3:=collect(b_e2,s,factor):
> solve(b_e2,s) assuming tau<1;
Error, (in assuming) when calling 'property/ConvertProperty'. Received: 'FAIL
is an invalid property'

On the other hand, with maple2018, they do not.

> kernelopts(version);
       Maple 2018.2, APPLE UNIVERSAL OSX, Nov 16 2018, Build ID 1362973

> assume(a>-1,b>0);
> additionally(a<=1);
> about(a);
Originally a, renamed a~:
  is assumed to be: RealRange(Open(-1),1)

> assume(tau<1,tau>0,s<1,s>0):
> a_e1:=tau*s*(1+tau)<tau*s+tau+s-1:
> b_e2:=expand(lhs(a_e1)-rhs(a_e1))<0:
> b_e3:=collect(b_e2,s,factor):
> solve(b_e2,s) assuming tau<1;
                               [{-------- < s~}]
                                 1 + tau~

Are errors due to some bugs in maple2019 when being used with mac os 10.14.6?

Take care.


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