Question: How to extract from the implicit plot when


I'd like to extract numerical data from the plot of a implicit function and write it to the txt file. But, unfortunately due to a strong oscillating function and as a consequence extremely dense meshgrid I got a message that [Length of output exceeds limit of 1000000]. How to resolve this problem? Below is my code

R0 := 1+w_c*(sum((2*(-1)^(n+1)*Pi^2/n*n)*t*sin(2*Pi*n*mu/w_c)*cos(Pi*n)*exp(-2*Pi*n*G/w_c)/(w_c*sinh(2*Pi^2*n*t/w_c)), n = 1 .. 3000))/Pi-mu;
with(plots, implicitplot);
G := 0.; t := 0.1e-2;
R1 := implicitplot(R0, w_c = 0 .. 5, mu = 0 .. 3, gridrefine = 10):
data := getdata(R1);

Thank you in advance.

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