Question: How to translate "blank pattern" to maple?


Moving from Mathematica to Maple and back these couple of days is driving me insane.  I get stuck trying to translate very simple things for not knowing each command belongs to each software.  Therefore I do apologize for another silly question. 

Given the list of indexed variables

varA := [A[1, 0], A[1, 1], A[1, 2], A[1, 3], A[1, 4], A[1, 5], A[1, 6], A[1, 7], A[1, 8], A[1, 9], A[2, 0], A[2, 1], A[2, 2], A[2, 3], A[2, 4], A[2, 5], A[2, 6], A[2, 7], A[2, 8], A[2, 9], A[3, 0], A[3, 1], A[3, 2], A[3, 3], A[3, 4], A[3, 5], A[3, 6], A[3, 7], A[3, 8], A[3, 9]]

how to apply the following substitution 

varA/. {Subscript[A, m_, 2] -> Subscript[B, m, 3], 
  Subscript[A, m_, 3] -> Subscript[B, m, 2], 
  Subscript[A, m_, 5] -> Subscript[B, m, 6], 
  Subscript[A, m_, 6] -> Subscript[B, m, 5], 
  Subscript[A, m_, 7] -> Subscript[B, m, 9], 
  Subscript[A, m_, 9] -> Subscript[B, m, 7]}

After trying a couple of commands such as map, subs, etc. I decide to try fromMma but no avail.  

Many thanks for the patience and help.





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