Question: Maple 2020 install question 64x or 32x?

I rescently downloaded and installed my new Maple 2020 on my Windows 10 64x computer.

I noticed this in the install log:

   Log started 06/13/2020 at 03:25:42
   Preferred installation mode : win32
   Trying to init installer in mode win32
   Mode win32 successfully initialized
   Preparing Check for Update Tool
   Checking for Maple 2020 Updates

My question is this:  I know that under windows 10,  32 bit progams will generally install on even if a computer is 64x.

So should have Maple installed under mode win32?  Is there a 64 bit mode that will take better advanage of the system?

For that matter, is there any configuring that can install it or configure it to take better advanatage of the multi-threaded hardward capabilities?

Thanks, JS

( edited after the fact

BTW I tried to give your comment, kernelopts(wordsize) as the best answer, but it wouldn't let me because it is a comment.  So I gave your previous answer the credit.

kernelopts(wordsize) really hits it on the head for me.)

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