Question: Style of error bars using errorplot command

Hello everyone,

I am trying to represent a set of data using the errorplot command as follows

plotlims50 := ErrorPlot(xcoords = vectorl, sigmasl50, yerrors = [0.1e-1, 0.4e-1, 0.1e-1, 0.3e-1, 0.3e-1, 0.6e-1, 0.6e-1, 0.1e-1, 0.4e-1, 0.6e-1, 0.5e-1, 0.3e-1, 0.2e-1, 0.2e-1], color = "green")

I guess it's okey, but I would like to have that kind of small lines at the end of the bar and perpendicular to it (like in the image below). Is it possible?

Thank you so much in advance

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