Question: Plot Variable confusion

In my worksheet today my intention was to compare the least squares linear regression for three datasets as indicated, but when I right click on the output as seen in the bottom line to select the plot type, all options state there to be independant variables K[0] and K[1], where as the output displays only the variable K as I intended, which part of my code is creating this confusion for maple?




Worksheet Specific Investigation Content


S[0] := proc (N, K) options operator, arrow; map(simplify, {seq(seq(seq(piecewise((a^`ϕ`(b))^(1/(c+1))-floor((a^`ϕ`(b))^(1/(c+1))) = 0, [a, b, c], NULL), a = 1 .. N), b = 1 .. N), c = 1 .. K)}, 'radical') end proc

T := proc (N, K) options operator, arrow; {seq(seq(seq([a, b, c], a = 1 .. N), b = 1 .. N), c = 1 .. K)} end proc:

S[1] := proc (N, K) options operator, arrow; `minus`(T(N, K), S[0](N, K)) end proc:

CardRatio := proc (N, K) options operator, arrow; nops(S[0](N, K))/nops(S[1](N, K)) end proc:

{CurveFitting[LeastSquares]([seq([k, CardRatio(2, k)], k = 1 .. 10)], K), CurveFitting[LeastSquares]([seq([k, CardRatio(3, k)], k = 1 .. 10)], K), CurveFitting[LeastSquares]([seq([k, CardRatio(4, k)], k = 1 .. 10)], K)}

{1, 44268857/45401356-(532409481/9988298320)*K, 24308311919/13309971675-(135902619982/773879781675)*K}










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