Question: how to plot dualaxisplot in dialog?

buy := proc(ss,windowlength,syseq1,syseq2a,syseq2b)
p := dualaxisplot(listplot(ma, color = red), listplot(me, color = blue), style = line, gridlines = false);
p := dualaxisplot(listplot(me, color = red), listplot(me, color = blue), style = line, gridlines = false);
end try:
return p:
end proc:

CheckGraph := proc(text,graphparam1,graphparam2)
  local maplet, choice:
  maplet := Maplet(
      [text, ComboBox['CoB1']("No Refund", sort(["Jackpot"], lexorder))],
      [Button("OK", Shutdown(['CoB1'])), Button("Cancel", Shutdown())]
  choice := Maplets[Display](maplet):
end proc:

graph1 := buy(0,100,rhs(sol[parse(result1[1])][1]),rhs(sol[1][1]),rhs(sol[2][1]));

can show graph but after using Plotter['PL1'] , it can not show graph in dialog

CheckGraph("Has Jackpot?",graph1,graph2):


how to plot dualaxisplot in dialog?

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