Question: How to reduce timing to solve this equation?

I am trying to solve this equation, I tried

L := []; 
for a to 20 do
 for b to 20 do 
for c to 20 do 
for d to 20 do 
for e to 20 do 
for f to 20 do 
for g to 20 do 
for h to 20 do 
if sqrt(a+b*sqrt(c+d*sqrt(e +f*sqrt(g)))) = h then L := [op(L), [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]] end if
 end do end do end do end do end do end do end do end do; nops(L)

where g is not a square of a integer number . I do not get any solutions for a long time. How to reduce timing to solve this equation?


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