Question: Phase Plane between two functions

hello guys,

I want to plot the phase plane between F and m when:

F := 736*R^4/sqrt((-1380*Pi*R*m(r)^3 + 368*R^4 - 1587*m(r)^2*R^2 + 1280*m(r)^2*a)^2);
R := X^(1/3)/(-l^2 + 4*a) - 3*l^2*m(r)^2/X^(1/3);
X := m(r)*l^2*(sqrt((27*l^2*m(r)^4 - 16*a^2*l^2 + 64*a^3)/(-l^2 + 4*a)) + 4*a)*(-l^2 + 4*a)^2;


m := (l^2*r^2 + r^4 + a*l^2)/(2*l^2*r)

for positive constant a and l

please guide me,


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