Question: How to output "(mol/L)^2" instead of "L^2/mol^2"?



When doing chemistry in Maple, I want to be able to do my calculations with units.

Maple does not support the unit [M] (molar concentration), so I have to manually type the unit as [mol/L].


That is not a problem in itself, but I have encountered som issues with Maple's own formatting of the units.

For example, in the attached document I want the output unit to be (mol/L)^(-2). However, Maple automatically formats it as (L^2)/(mol^2)

It even does the same thing in the "Maple Math" here on MaplePrimes - Here I try to type (mol/L)^(-2): (mol/L)^(-2)


So does anyone know a way to avoid Maple's auto-formatting of the output, or is there a way to customize it so I get my desired output?


I have attached the document with some screenshots in it:


// Frederik

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