Question: Finding a conic tangents to 3 sites of a triangle with a known focus

We consider a triangle ABC, its circumscribed circle (O), of radius R, its inscribed circle (I) of centre I. We designate by α, β, γ the points of contact of BC, CA, AB with the circle (I), by A', B', C' the points of meeting other than A, B, C, of AI, BI, CI with the circle (O), by the media of BC, CA, AB.
.Establish that there is a conic (E), focus I, tangent to βγ, γα, αβ.
My code : 

with(plots); _local(gamma);
_EnvHorizontalName := x; _EnvVerticalName := y;
alias(coor = coordinates);
point(A, -5, -5); point(B, 7, -1); point(C, 1, 5);
triangle(ABC, [A, B, C]); circumcircle(_O, ABC, 'centername' = OO); incircle(_I, ABC, 'centername' = Io);
line(lBC, [B, C]); sol := solve({Equation(_I), Equation(lBC)}, {x, y}); point(alpha, subs(sol, x), subs(sol, y));
line(lCA, [C, A]); sol := solve({Equation(_I), Equation(lCA)}, {x, y}); point(beta, subs(sol, x), subs(sol, y));
line(lAB, [A, B]); sol := solve({Equation(_I), Equation(lAB)}, {x, y}); point(gamma, subs(sol, x), subs(sol, y));
line(lAO, [A, OO]); intersection(Ap, lAO, lBC);
line(lBO, [B, OO]); intersection(Bp, lBO, lCA);
line(lCO, [C, OO]); intersection(Cp, lCO, lAB);
midpoint(l, B, C); midpoint(m, A, C); midpoint(n, A, B);
triangle(T, [alpha, beta, gamma]);
dr := draw([ABC(color = blue), _O(color = red), _I(color = magenta), lAO(color = black), lBO(color = black), lCO(color = black), T(color = red), alpha, beta, gamma, Ap, Bp, Cp, l, m, n], printtext = true);
display([dr], axes = normal, scaling = constrained, size = [800, 800]);
How to find the Equation of (E); Thank you.

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