Question: How do I setup solve to find only the real and imaginary part of Zeta to be both positive and the real part of Zeta to be the smallest positive value?


How do I setup solve to find only the real and imaginary part of Zeta to be both positive and the real part of Zeta to be the smallest positive value? For example: real part = 1.348412872 and imaginary part = 0.04230725448.

Acceleration ratio (db) and phase (deg). Convert ratio to linear and phase to radian. 
dat := <14.52407334|-162.1310124>:
A := 10^(dat[1]/20.):
phi := dat[2]*Pi/180.:
R:= 0.3036:
Characteristic equation Eqn 5
f := (Zeta,A,phi) -> cos(Zeta) - R * Zeta * sin(Zeta) - exp(-phi * I)/A:

soln := [solve(f(Zeta,A,phi), Zeta)]:

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