Question: Extract from record


I have a list of records :

S := [`206` = Record(mu = 508.001018040, sigma = 125.002863204708), `4` = Record(mu = 1008.001018040, sigma = 167.707232430134), `2` = Record(mu = 1208.001018040, sigma = 141.512246146314), `5` = Record(mu = 808.001018040, sigma = 117.156800098735)]

How can I extract from S the mu and sd corresponding to a number.

eg input 2 get 1208.001018040,141.512246146314

like this:  rhs(S[3]):-mu, rhs(S[3]):-sigma, (I know from inpection 2 occurs in the 3rd slot but assume i don't know where it occurs). I tried using Search...

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