Question: How to convert a netlist to a ladder schematic?

Hi Everyone,

I would like to convert a netlist to a ladder schematic by using Draw (Syrup). So far I have tried combinations of &+ and &// and have not achieved the correct result. Please help.

capnet:= "
V  1 0 1
L  1 2 1
C1 2 3 2uF 
C2 2 4 3uF
C3 4 3 1uF
C4 4 5 1.5uF
C5 3 5 2.5uF
C6 3 0 3.5uF
C7 5 0 0.5uF

ckt:= [ V(1), L(1), C1(2.8E-6),
         C2(3.E-6),  C3(1.E-6),
         C4(1.5E-6), C5(2.5E-6) &+ C6(3.5E-6)


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