Question: Re: Two questions

Hello there, 

Would you allow me to ask these two questions?

1) is there any way to collect the expression 'eq14_2' w.r.t. DeltaP? The question is labeled as 'Q1' in the worksheet. 

2) Why does the 'DeltaP' term survive at the RHS of the expression 'eq14_2_3'? In other words, is it possible to cancel out the same term, 'DeltaP', in numerator and denominator?


eq14_1_3 := w[NET] = Delta*T[Sfg];

w[NET] = Delta*T[Sfg]


eq14_2 := w[NET] = -((v[2] + v[3])/2)((-DeltaP + P) - P) - ((v[1] + v[4])/2)((P - P) + DeltaP);

w[NET] = -(1/2)*v[2](-DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[3](-DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[1](DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[4](DeltaP)



w[NET] = -(1/2)*v[2](-DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[3](-DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[1](DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[4](DeltaP)


collect(expand(eq14_2), DeltaP, distributed); # Q1

w[NET] = -(1/2)*v[2](-DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[3](-DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[1](DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[4](DeltaP)


Desired1 := w[NET] = DeltaP * (-v[2]*(-1)/2 - v[3]*(-1)/2 - v[1]*(1)/2 - v[4]*(1)/2);

w[NET] = DeltaP*((1/2)*v[2]+(1/2)*v[3]-(1/2)*v[1]-(1/2)*v[4])


eq14_2_2 := rhs(eq14_1_3) = rhs(eq14_2);

Delta*T[Sfg] = -(1/2)*v[2](-DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[3](-DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[1](DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[4](DeltaP)


eq14_2_3 := eq14_2_2 / DeltaP; # Q2

Delta*T[Sfg]/DeltaP = (-(1/2)*v[2](-DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[3](-DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[1](DeltaP)-(1/2)*v[4](DeltaP))/DeltaP


Desired2 := w[NET]/DeltaP =  (-v[2]*(-1)/2 - v[3]*(-1)/2 - v[1]*(1)/2 - v[4]*(1)/2);

w[NET]/DeltaP = (1/2)*v[2]+(1/2)*v[3]-(1/2)*v[1]-(1/2)*v[4]




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