Question: Extract subgraphs from a supergraph

Problem 1)   Give graph G1 and a graph G2  the problem is to extract maximum isomorphic copies of G1 from G2 such that it has no edge intersection maximum number is floor((number of edges of G2)/(number of edges of G1)) and display the Edge sets of those isomorphic graphs and the graph formed by the remaining edges sometimes their may be no remaing edges too.  Need all possible such copies.

Problem 2) Give graph G1 and a graph G2  the problem is to extract maximum isomorphic copies of G1 from G2 such that each copy has  exactly one edge intersection with each of the copies and that one edge intersection occurs only between those two copies and  display the Edge sets of those isomorphic graphs . Need all possible such copies.

If any more examples or explation will give kind help please I can give more examples or more kind please help.

I had written this c++ code years back for problem 2 which i have forgotten kind help if possible to make it better with maplesoft.

Please take your time. Kind help help plese it will be very helpful it is of real help.


I had written this c++ code years back for problem 1 which i have forgotten kind help if possible to make it better with maplesoft.

Please take your time. Kind help help plese it will be very helpful it is of real help.


Need to maintain memory space as graph size is a little big may be 

would usage of database or any other be useful dont know I had done those code in c++ long back which i forgotten logic too.

Please please help based on latest technology please take your time and kind help I apologize disturb you kind help.

I would surely acknowledge for this great work as much as I can much more than I can acknowlege too

I am using Maple 2020

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