Question: What type of memory is running out when I try to display this animation with 10000 frames (example repo provided)?

I created a Github repository with files to reproduce the example that my question is based on.

I am using Grid:-Run to compute a 10000x3 matrix in each of 100 parallel runs. I then average the 100 matrices to obtain a final 10000x3 matrix, which I saved to an .m file.

It contains a variable called with the matrix.

Each row of the matrix is a 3d point, and the entire matrix represents a trajectory on a sphere. I'd like to display an animation of this trajectory. Now, my question is not about how to do this, but rather about the memory requirements necessary to do so.

I can plot trajectories with, say, 1000 points, but apparently 10000 requires too much memory.

The Github repository I linked to contains an example of all of this.

The worksheet reads the matrix from the .m file and reads some procedures defined in the .mpl file that are used for creating the animation data.

Then, a call to the procedure animateMatrices basically calls plots:-display to display the matrix as an animation.

I've been able to display the first 5000 rows of the matrix.

What type of memory is running out when I try to display the animation of the full 10000 rows?

Here is a screenshot of my Activity Monitor right before I get the

Error, out of memory error while processing result

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