Question: How to solve some simple parametric quadratic optimization problem EXACTLY in Maple?

Let a, b be arbitrary real parameters. I intend to compute something like: (with exact piecewise output) 

Optimization:-Maximize(8*x + 7*y, {5*y <= 6 - 9*b, -6*x - 4*y <= 8 - 5*a - 7*b, -4*x + 7*y <= -1 - 2*a - 7*b, -x + y <= 6 + 4*a - 5*b, 7*x + 5*y <= a + 4*b}, variables = {x, y}): # Error
Optimization:-Minimize((x - 1)^2 + (2*y - 1)^2, {x - 2*y <= 2*a - b + 1, x + 2*y <= a + b, 2*x - y <= a - b + 1}, variables = {x, y}): # Error

Unfortunately, these Maple codes are virtually invalid, and the relevant commands minimize, maximize, extrema, and Student[MultivariateCalculus][LagrangeMultipliers] do not support general inequality constraints. Is it possible to tackle these small-scale constrained parametric problems in Maple?

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