Question: Isolate variable


How do I isolate the variable ng in the following expression:

rho := `ρg`*ng + `ρp`*np + `ρw`*nw;
B := np/Kp + nw/Kw + ng/Kg;

C := (B/rho)^(1/2);

As you can see, I am running the isolate command, but it is not including the variable C, or it returns the wrong result.

isolate(((np/Kp + nw/Kw + ng/Kg)/(`ρg`*ng + `ρp`*np + `ρw`*nw))^(1/2), ng);
                               ( Kp nw + Kw np) Kg
                   ng = -     -----------------

                                          Kw Kp       


isolate(C=((np/Kp + nw/Kw + ng/Kg)/(`ρg`*ng + `ρp`*np + `ρw`*nw))^(1/2), ng);
                             0 = 0


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