Question: How to solve a nonlinear system with parallel computing?

Last execution block is not producing any output. Why?

The 3x3 nonlinear system I am trying to solve is already a stylized version of my problem, as I already:

  1. Calibrated my equations before attempting to solve for them (search for "Calib_1" in my script)
  2. Split the original 6x6 system into two 3x3 sub-systems (since 3 out of 6 variables only appear in 3 out of 6 equations) and solved for one sub-system

What else can you think of? Should I instead use the parallel solver on the whole 6x6 system rather than just the unsolved 3x3 sub-system?

How to find, if exist, singular solutions? That is, some valuation of some parameters that will yield a solution that cannot be obtained by applying the same valuation to a general solution. Carl Love (who I cannot tag) once mentioned: "The parameter valuations that lead to singular solutions can often be guessed by using valuations that would produce zeros in denominators in the general solution. A singular solution can't be expressed as any instantiation of a generic symbolic solution. By instantiation I mean an assigment of numeric values to some parameters. Here's an example:"

#2x2 matrix and 2x1 vector. 5 parameters (a, b, d, x, y). The 2 decision variables are
#unseen and unnamed in this pure matrix-vector form. Their values are the two entries 
#in the solution vectors S0 and S1.

A:= <a, b; 0, d>;  B:= <x, y>;

#Get a generic solution:
S0:= LinearAlgebra:-LinearSolve(A, B);

#Instantiate 3 parameters (a, d, y) to 0 and solve again:
S1:= LinearAlgebra:-LinearSolve(eval([A, B], [a, d, y]=~ 0)[]);

#Note that no possible instantiation of S0 can produce S1.

Thank you!

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