Question: Error, (in SolveTools:-Polynomial) too many levels of recursion when using alias

I found another big problem. 

In 2022, I get Error, (in SolveTools:-Polynomial) too many levels of recursion when using alias(seq(c[k] = _C||k, k = 0..10)); at the top of my code and the solution to the ode has c[2],c[3] etc.. as constants of integration.

This solution was given by Kitonum in this answer

I had this for years in the code (i.e. the alias) code.

In Maple 2022 the following gives the above exception error from odetest. I am using 2022, because in 2023 it just hangs on the same code.  

If I remove the alias code, no error shows. (solution is wrong, but that is different story). 

Also, If I remove the alias code, 2023 no long hangs!  



alias(seq(c[k] = _C||k, k = 0..10));

c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4], c[5], c[6], c[7], c[8], c[9], c[10]

ode:=diff(diff(y(x),x),x)+4*diff(y(x),x)+12*y(x) = 80*sin(2*x);
sol:=y(x) = -10*exp(-1/2*2^(1/2)*arctan(sin(2*2^(1/2)*x)/cos(2*2^(1/2)*x)))*(c[3]*cos(2*2^(1/2)*x)+c[2]*sin(2*2^(1/2)*x))*((-1/10*exp(4*I*2^(1/2)*x)+1/10)*c[2]-1/10*I*c[3]*exp(4*I*2^(1/2)*x)-1/10*I*c[3])/((exp(4*I*2^(1/2)*x)-1)*c[2]+I*c[3]*exp(4*I*2^(1/2)*x)+I*c[3])*c[1]-10*I*exp(-1/2*2^(1/2)*arctan(sin(2*2^(1/2)*x)/cos(2*2^(1/2)*x)))*(c[3]*cos(2*2^(1/2)*x)+c[2]*sin(2*2^(1/2)*x))*(cos(2*x)-sin(2*x))*exp(2*I*2^(1/2)*x)*exp(2*I*2^(1/2)*x)^(-1/2*I*2^(1/2))/((exp(4*I*2^(1/2)*x)-1)*c[2]+I*c[3]*exp(4*I*2^(1/2)*x)+I*c[3]);


diff(diff(y(x), x), x)+4*(diff(y(x), x))+12*y(x) = 80*sin(2*x)

y(x) = -10*exp(-(1/2)*2^(1/2)*arctan(sin(2*2^(1/2)*x)/cos(2*2^(1/2)*x)))*(c[3]*cos(2*2^(1/2)*x)+c[2]*sin(2*2^(1/2)*x))*((-(1/10)*exp((4*I)*2^(1/2)*x)+1/10)*c[2]-((1/10)*I)*c[3]*exp((4*I)*2^(1/2)*x)-((1/10)*I)*c[3])*c[1]/((exp((4*I)*2^(1/2)*x)-1)*c[2]+I*c[3]*exp((4*I)*2^(1/2)*x)+I*c[3])-(10*I)*exp(-(1/2)*2^(1/2)*arctan(sin(2*2^(1/2)*x)/cos(2*2^(1/2)*x)))*(c[3]*cos(2*2^(1/2)*x)+c[2]*sin(2*2^(1/2)*x))*(cos(2*x)-sin(2*x))*exp((2*I)*2^(1/2)*x)*(exp((2*I)*2^(1/2)*x))^(-((1/2)*I)*2^(1/2))/((exp((4*I)*2^(1/2)*x)-1)*c[2]+I*c[3]*exp((4*I)*2^(1/2)*x)+I*c[3])

Error, (in SolveTools:-Polynomial) too many levels of recursion



Why using the alias line above causes this error?  If you remove the alias line, you will see it completes with no error.

But it hangs in 2023. I am no longer using 2023 but went back to 2022 due to too many hangs in 2023. I wonder now if it because of this alias line I had there all the time.  I will remove now and see if this solves some of the hangs I had in 2023.

Anyone can shed some more light on what is going on?

Windows 10.

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