Question: unable to access super class local variable when extending with subclass

This setup works, where B extends A, then B method access local variable in A directly, since it now becomes part of the object B itself

module A()
  option object;
  local s::string:="";
end module;

module B()
   option object(A);
   export foo::static:=proc(_self,$)
      _self:-s := cat(_self:-s,"something");
   end proc:
end module;


Gives "something"

Now, I changed B, by adding an anonymous local proc() and did the same exact thing as above, which is to access s.

Now Maple complains that B does not export s


module A()
  option object;
  local s::string:="";
end module;

module B()
   option object(A);
   export foo::static:=proc(_self,$)
        end proc();
   end proc:
end module;


It gives

Error, (in anonymous procedure called from anonymous procedure) module `B` does not export `s`

Could someone help me understand why this happens? How it works in the first example but not in the second?  I do not see why it would make difference. isn't anonymous procedure part of the class that is being extended?


It is worst than I thought. Even named local proc, inside method now fail. Here is an example


module A()
  option object;
  local s::string:="";
end module;

module B()
   option object(A);
   export foo::static:=proc(_self,$)
        local z::string:="something";
        local my_inner_proc:=proc()
        end proc();
   end proc:
end module;



Error, (in anonymous procedure called from anonymous procedure) module `B` does not export `s`
I was using code which worked before, but now after extending the class, I am finding all these problems.

Is this documented something that local proc()'s inside method do not work as expected when extending classes in Maple OOP? It means now I have to move these local proc() to the outside of its current enclosing proc() to make Maple happy.  I just do not understand why this limitation.

Maple 2023.1 on Windows 10

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