Question: How do I compute the continuous eigenvalues of a family of matrices?

I am working with a family of unitary matrices, that depend on two parameters x and y in a smooth way. Their eigenvalues are thus complex numbers of absolute value 1. My goal is to plot the bands (i.e. the argument of the eigenvalues). I know that there exists a parametrization of the eigenvalues such that the corresponding bands are continuous. In particular, I use the following code:

f := x -> exp(2*I*Pi*x);
S1 := (x, y) -> Matrix(3, 3, [[f(x - y), 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, f(-y)]]);
S2 := (x, y) -> Matrix(3, 3, [[f(y), 0, 0], [0, f(y - x), 0], [0, 0, 1]]);
C := Typesetting[delayDotProduct](1/sqrt(3), Matrix(3, 3, [[1, 1, 1], [1, f(1/3), f(2/3)], [1, f(2/3), f(1/3)]]), true);
d := LinearAlgebra[Determinant](C . C);
V := (x, y) -> (((S1(x, y)/d^(1/3)) . C) . (S2(x, y))) . C;
bands := (x, y) -> -I*ln~(Eigenvalues(V(x, y)));

plot3d({bands(x, y)[1], bands(x, y)[2], bands(x, y)[3]}, x = 0 .. 1, y = 0 .. 1);

However, the output is the following plot:

One can see that the bands can technically be chosen in a way such that they are continuous and we dont have those weird vertical jumps. Is there a way to make Maple choose them like this? Or is there a way to at least surpress these vertical jumps in the plot, so that the plot is a bit more ordered? Ideally I would like a way that works for more examples than the one I gave above (I'd like to do these plots for different matrices C), but any help is appreciated!


Edit: Maybe an easier starting point is the following: If I choose the matrix C to be the identity matrix, the bands are of a nicer form:

We can see that Maple parametrizes the bands in a continuous way. The only problem is the vertical jumps that happen when the argument switches from pi to -pi. Is there a way to avoid plotting these jumps, so the plot does not include these vertical lines?

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