Question: Latex problem with spacing before dx. Is there an option to add \, automatically?

long time ago I asked about automatic spacing to improve latex for sqrt. A nice solution was provided in

The above is activatived using spaceaftersqrt = true option for latex:-Settings

There is a similar issue for inert integration where a space is typically added before the final dx This is done similar to the above fix using \, See for example this Latex web site giving many examples.

But there is no option I could see to tell Maple to do this automatically for integration.

So all my inert integrals now look not too good as the dx is too close to the integrand. Here are 2 examples with the settings I am using


      usecolor = false,
      powersoftrigonometricfunctions= mixed, ## computernotation,
      leavespaceafterfunctionname = true,
      cacheresults = false,
      spaceaftersqrt = true,

Intat( subs(y=a,1/sol),a=y(x));


I copied the latex and compiled it, and this is the result


\int_{}^{y \left(x \right)}\frac{1}{\sqrt{4 a^{3}-a^{2}-b}\, a}d a

\int \sqrt{4 y^{3}-a y -b}\, a d y


Which gives

Compare the output when adding \, by hand to the latex


\int_{}^{y \left(x \right)}\frac{1}{\sqrt{4 a^{3}-a^{2}-b}\, a}\, d a

\int \sqrt{4 y^{3}-a y -b}\, a \, d y


Which now gives much better result

Actually, what would be nice if the "d" in "dx" was mathrm which becomes


\int_{}^{y \left(x \right)}\frac{1}{\sqrt{4 a^{3}-a^{2}-b}\, a}\, \mathrm{d} a

\int \sqrt{4 y^{3}-a y -b}\, a \, \mathrm{d} y


But may be I am asking for too much here. But having an option to add \, only for inert integration will be good to have.

Does there exist an option to do this that may be I overlooked?

Maple 2023.2


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