Question: Need Help with Obtaining individual x-y coordinate Spline fit equations and plotting splines on raw data.

I am an ophthalmologist and a novice in programing. I am having a problem obtaining the x-y coordinate equations for each of the fitted Splines.  I can send the raw data and MapleSoft work sheet for which I need the individual spline equations, in x-y coodinates not parametric format and also need to be able to plot the splines on the raw data. I will pay for the service. Can you please obtain the x-y Cartesian equations for each of the fitted Splines and give me a step-wise method for obtaining them?  I am unable to attach the raw data and the worksheet to this email.  Please send me your personal email so that I can send them.

Your assistance is most appreciated. 

With my best,
Ronald A Schachar MD , PhD
7241 Encelia Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037
Cell: (858) 784-1705

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