Question: Difficulty with Transpose

xA := 1;
yA := 0;
xB := 0;
yB := 0;
xC := 0;
yC := 1;
Mat := Matrix(3, 3, [xA, xB, xC, yA, yB, yC, 1, 1, 1]);
Miv := MatrixInverse(Mat);
phi := (x, y) -> Transpose(Multiphy(Miv), <x, y, 1>);
for i to 6 do
    B || i := phi(xA || i, yA || i);
end do;
Error, (in LinearAlgebra:-Transpose) invalid input: too many and/or wrong type of arguments passed to LinearAlgebra:-Transpose; first unused argument is Vector(3, {(1) = xA1, (2) = yA1, (3) = 1})
How to correct this error ? Thank you.

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