Question: Geometric and algebric generation of Pythagorean triplets

How to show that any Pythagorean triplet can be obtained from <3,4,5> ? Thank you.
Can we simplify this program?

#Génération Géométrique et Algébrique des triplets Pythagoriciens
_EnvHorizomtalName = 'x';
_EnvVerticalName = 'y';

P := point([0, 0], color = black, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 25);
Oo := point([1/2, 1/2], color = black, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 25);
A := point([1, 1/2], color = black, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 25);
c1 := circle([1/2, 1/2], 1/2, color = blue);
PA := line([0, 0], [1, 1/2], color = red);
eqC := (x - 1/2)^2 + (y - 1/2)^2 = 1/4;
eqPA := y = 1/2*x;
sol := solve({eqC, eqPA}, {x, y});

t1 := textplot([0, 0, 'typeset'("P"), font = [Times, Bold, 14]], 'align' = 'above');
t2 := textplot([1, 1/2, 'typeset'("A"), font = [Times, Bold, 14]], 'align' = 'right');
t3 := textplot([1/5, 1/10, 'typeset'("A'"), font = [Times, Bold, 14]], 'align' = 'above');
A1 := point([1 - 1/5, 1/10], color = black, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 25);
diff(A, x) := point([1/5, 1/10], color = black, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 25);
t4 := textplot([1 - 1/5, 1/10, 'typeset'("A1"), font = [Times, Bold, 14]], 'align' = 'right');
A2 := point([1 - 1/5, 1 - 1/10], color = black, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 25);
t5 := textplot([1 - 1/5, 1 - 1/10, 'typeset'("A2"), font = [Times, Bold, 14]], 'align' = 'right');
A3 := point([1/5, 1 - 1/10], color = black, symbol = cross, symbolsize = 25);
t6 := textplot([1/5, 1 - 1/10, 'typeset'("A3"), font = [Times, Bold, 14]], 'align' = 'right');

poly := Matrix([[1/5, 1/10], [1 - 1/5, 1/10], [1 - 1/5, 1 - 1/10], [1/5, 1 - 1/10]], datatype = float);
pol := polygonplot(poly, color = blue, transparency = 0.95);

display(c1, P, Oo, A, PA, seq(A || i, i = 1 .. 3), seq(t || i, i = 1 .. 6), pol, scaling = constrained, axes = none, size = [600, 600]);

R1 := Transpose(<<1, -2, 2> | <2, -1, 2> | <2, -2, 3>>);
R2 := Transpose(<<1, 2, 2> | <2, 1, 2> | <2, 2, 3>>);
R3 := Transpose(<<-1, 2, 2> | <-2, 1, 2> | <-2, 2, 3>>);
V := <3, 4, 5>;
MatrixVectorMultiply(R1, V);
MatrixVectorMultiply(R2, V);
MatrixVectorMultiply(R3, V);
t1 := <2225, 3648, 4273>;
t2 := MatrixVectorMultiply(1/R1, t1);
t3 := MatrixVectorMultiply(1/R3, t2);
t4 := MatrixVectorMultiply(1/R2, t3);
t5 := MatrixVectorMultiply(1/R1, t4);
t6 := MatrixVectorMultiply(1/R3, t5);
MatrixVectorMultiply(MatrixMatrixMultiply(MatrixMatrixMultiply(MatrixMatrixMultiply(MatrixMatrixMultiply(R1, R3), R2), R1), R3), V);
% - t1;

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