Question: Help to convert a Maple V3 package to Maple 2024.


I need to use the Ritt algorithm to find the characteristic sets of a set of differential equations. In the past, it seems there was a Maple package by D. Wang available through Maple Applications, but this no longer appears to be the case. I managed to download an old set of files from the author’s site, dated February 1996, which is a Maple V3 package. The instructions in the Readme file mention that using the provided Makefile, an m-file containing all the functions will be created, which can then be loaded into Maple. Unfortunately, running make -f Makefile did not create anything, so I am wondering if I could get some assistance on how to convert this package to something compatible with the latest Maple releases.

The source (txt) files are structured as follows:


1) Comments
2) Definition of the User functions - something like


dcharsets[dcharset] := proc() `charsets/d_charset`(args) end:

dcharsets[dmcharset] := proc() `charsets/d_mcharset`(args) end:

dcharsets[dcs] := proc() `charsets/d_charser`(args) end:

dcharsets[dmcs] := proc() `charsets/d_mcs`(args) end:

dcharsets[dics] := proc() `charsets/d_ics`(args) end:


read `charsets.m`:

# set of non-zero remainders of d-polys in ps wrt d-ascending set as
#       user level function
`charsets/d_remset` :=


and lots of Maple procedures - Example below


`charsets/d_charset` := proc(ps,lst,medset)



the source file ends with the following lines.

read dhelp;
save `dcharsets.m`:

Many thanks


Note: Before posting this question here, I tried to contact the author but received no response.

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