Question: Bug report: dsolve generates internal error Error, (in factor) too many levels of recursion

This is an ode from textbook. dsolve gives new error I have not seen before. 

Maple 2024.2 on windows 10.


`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.2, Windows 10, October 29 2024 Build ID 1872373`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1839 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, December 2, 10:11 hours Pacific Time.`



"C:\Users\Owner\maple\toolbox\2024\Physics Updates\lib", "C:\Program Files\Maple 2024\lib"

ode:=y(x)^2*diff(y(x),x$3)-(3*y(x)*diff(y(x),x)+2*x*y(x)^2 )*diff(y(x),x$2)+(2*diff(y(x),x)^2+2*x*y(x)*diff(y(x),x)+3*x^2*y(x)^2)*diff(y(x),x)+x^3*y(x)^3=0;

y(x)^2*(diff(diff(diff(y(x), x), x), x))-(3*y(x)*(diff(y(x), x))+2*x*y(x)^2)*(diff(diff(y(x), x), x))+(2*(diff(y(x), x))^2+2*x*y(x)*(diff(y(x), x))+3*x^2*y(x)^2)*(diff(y(x), x))+x^3*y(x)^3 = 0


Error, (in factor) too many levels of recursion




Methods for third order ODEs:

--- Trying classification methods ---

trying 3rd order ODE linearizable_by_differentiation

differential order: 3; trying a linearization to 4th order

trying differential order: 3; missing variables

trying differential order: 3; exact nonlinear

trying 3rd order, integrating factor of the form mu(y'') for some mu

Trying the formal computation of integrating factors depending on any 2 of [x, y, y', y'']

         *** Sublevel 2 ***

         Methods for first order ODEs:

         --- Trying classification methods ---

         trying a quadrature

         trying 1st order linear

         <- 1st order linear successful

Successful computation of 3 integrating factors: [x*exp(-1/2*x^2*(I*2^(1/2)+1))*KummerM(3/4+1/8*I*2^(1/2),3/2,I*2^(1/2)*x^2)/y(x), x*exp(-1/2*x^2*(I*2^(1/2)+1))*KummerU(3/4+1/8*I*2^(1/2),3/2,I*2^(1/2)*x^2)/y(x), x*exp(-1/2*x^2*(I*2^(1/2)+1))*(Int(x*KummerM(3/4+1/8*I*2^(1/2),3/2,I*2^(1/2)*x^2)*exp(-1/2*x^2*(I*2^(1/2)-1)),x)*KummerU(3/4+1/8*I*2^(1/2),3/2,I*2^(1/2)*x^2)-Int(x*KummerU(3/4+1/8*I*2^(1/2),3/2,I*2^(1/2)*x^2)*exp(-1/2*x^2*(I*2^(1/2)-1)),x)*KummerM(3/4+1/8*I*2^(1/2),3/2,I*2^(1/2)*x^2))/y(x)]

Attempting computing related first integrals...

Error, (in factor) too many levels of recursion




tracelast;  gives long output with this at end

#(IntegrationTools:-Indefinite:-Polynomial,14): return poly/primitivepart*thisproc(primitivepart,var)
 IntegrationTools:-Indefinite:-Polynomial called with arguments: (8*I)*x*KummerM(3/4+((1/8)*I)*2^(1/2), 3/2, I*2^(1/2)*x^2)*x1*2^(1/2)-(3*I)*2^(1/2)*KummerM(3/4+((1/8)*I)*2^(1/2), 3/2, I*2^(1/2)*x^2)*y+(7*I)*2^(1/2)*KummerM(((1/8)*I)*2^(1/2)+7/4, 3/2, I*2^(1/2)*x^2)*y+12*x^2*KummerM(3/4+((1/8)*I)*2^(1/2), 3/2, I*2^(1/2)*x^2)*y+8*x*KummerM(3/4+((1/8)*I)*2^(1/2), 3/2, I*2^(1/2)*x^2)*x1+4*KummerM(((1/8)*I)*2^(1/2)+7/4, 3/2, I*2^(1/2)*x^2)*y, x1, nofactor = false
 #(IntegrationTools:-Indefinite:-Polynomial,8): newpoly := factor(poly)
Error, (in factor) too many levels of recursion
 locals defined as: p = p, primitivepart = primitivepart, base = base, exponent = exponent, subpolys = subpolys, change = change, newpoly = newpoly, u = u

Also, this error can not be cought using try/catch. 

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